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So you've got access to some of the resources in the "who has access to what" document and you're wondering what to do with them. Here's what they're for.
Communication Tools
This Google Doc: contains information about various communication tools related to Bike!Bike! & bike collectives. If you need to send an announcement, ask a question, or otherwise get in touch with large groups of people, check it out. The document should probably be converted to a section on this wiki page.
Event resources
for planners
for presenters
online-specific resources
originally in-person resources
- Online Presentation Guide (I think this is originally a B!B! resource we found somewhere.)
- from in-person B!B!s: Guía para Facilitar y Preparar Actividades de Bike!Bike! & Guide to Facilitating & Preparing Bike Bike activities
emails from previous years
Emails to presenters: 19 October 2021
You offered to host and/or facilitate a workshop/presentation/etc. during the upcoming Bike!Bike! Everywhere! 2021 conference.
Here is a link to a brief survey about your upcoming B!B! workshop. Please fill it out ASAP. Thanks so much for your patience in waiting to hear back from us!
Watch your inbox for an upcoming email from angé asking for other materials to be translated and for other interpreters to study.
Hurray! We're looking forward to your event!
02 November 2021
Hello facilitators/presenters/hosts/interpreters/techies for BB!E!21,
We've got a Dress Rehearsal lined up for Satuday at 10am US Pacific Time. It will be 5 hours long. Please feel free to show up late. Please feel free to stay the whole time.
This dress rehearsal is your opportunity to get familiar with the Zoom Webinar platform, test features you may need during the event, and work out any kinks in the system.
(If you can't make it but still need to practice, please let us know and we can schedule a session. We really hope you can make it. The more people the better.)
We plan to record the workshops during B!B!E!21 for people who can't make all the events but want to watch them later. (We will not record meet & greets, hangouts, FTWN-B group ( femme, transgender, women, and non-binary), or BIPOC group.) We will post recordings to and link to them from the Bike Collectives Wiki. If you want to opt out of recording your workshop, please let us know and we can flag your workshop to not be recorded.
You can reach me during the event at 707-697-3056. I will also be available in the Discord chat during the event while I'm awake (California time). - If you need someone to talk to about your event, get in touch! - If there's an issue and an attendee needs an ear, I can do active listening so they feel heard. - If there's a technical issue, I can talk you or an attendee through it. - Etc.
You should have gotten an email from the language justice people requesting a list of jargon words so they can make sure they know those words in advance. If you haven't already, please sent that vocab list to them ASAP.
Thanks for your patience with the short notice and bumpy ride, and THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! It's going to be great. Thank you all for making it happen.
Thanks again, Angel York she/her
P.S. IOU the facilitation guides. They are being revised, and we will send them out soon.
Bike!Bike! Everywhere! and interface
- It's amazing. It was built by Godwin for managing in-person Bike!Bike! events and is very good at that. It is too rickety and custom to change, but its limitations for virtual conferences are obvious. It asks you what kind of food you eat and whether you'll need a bike and there's no way to change that really. Godwin thinks it should be rebuilt from scratch. Jonathan Rosenbaum thinks it's a beautiful work of legacy software and we should work with what we have. We don't have anyone clamoring to rebuild it anyway. Angel York (she/her) (talk) 11:02, 7 July 2022 (PDT)
- It has a contact form. The email the contact form is associated with gets a LOT of spam. So nobody checks it, it just goes to Godwin. This is a problem because people think they can reach us using the contact form, but they can't. But spammers haven't found the real gmail address, which is also posted on the website. I'm afraid to ask anyone to remove the contact form because maybe then the spambots will keep looking until they find the real deal. We should deal with this at some point. Angel York (she/her) (talk) 11:38, 7 July 2022 (PDT)
Cryptpad (not google)
Has a variety of historical documents from Bike!Bike!_Everywhere!_2021.
Gmail account
- When new volunteers express interest by sending an email, one of the things you can do is ask them if they want to join the volunteer email list. The link to sign up is here:
Drive contents
- "who has access to what" document
- Language justice tips for virtual events; language justice checklist
- and more!
Language Justice
These resources (archive link) were developed with an emphasis on the nearish-the-US/Mexico-border bilingual context but are still a great place to start!
Event planning with language justice in mind
- Make sure you have people who speak different languages involved in planning and organizing
- Make sure you have people presenting in different languages
- Make sure you invite attendees who speak different languages
Planning for translation
- Push all your deadlines for written materials back by a week or two to allow time for translation
- Cut off workshop proposals early so presenters have time to submit written materials and vocab lists, and translators have time to translate, and interpreters have time to review jargon.
Simultaneous interpretation during workshops
- We use/used Zoom for this (see Zoom section below) in 2021 and 2022.
- LJ coordinator does scheduling
Tracking translation and interpretation for payment
- Make sure people track their words translated and hours interpreted in a spreadsheet.
- Do a rough estimate before the event so you have a donation goal to share before and during the event.
Meetings and minutes
Information about Meetings_and_minutes are hosted on this wiki. Identify someone at each meeting who will take notes, post the minutes, and update the wiki to include the minutes and post the information about the next meeting.
Used for Bike!Bike! Everywhere planning timeline (as of 2022)
Open Collective Foundation (OCF) (fiscal sponsor)
They handle the money for us. Technically speaking, they are our fiscal sponsor. In 2021, Bike Farm did this as a favor, but they're just a community bike shop and fiscal sponsorship isn't really what they do. OCF does this professionally. They're really supportive and very much in line with the ethos of the Bike!Bike! community.
A story. Once, when I was at the Davis Bike Collective, our bank called us, it went like this:
Bank: "Hi! Did you donate <precise dollar amount?>"
Davis Bike Collective: "yes! we did that!"
Bank: "You literally left an envelope of cash with no identifying information in the deposit box. We figured it had to be you. You are the only org we know who we thought would do that."
Davis Bike Collective: "you had no way to know it was us, because it was just an envelope stuffed with cash?"
Bank: "That is correct. Please include a deposit slip."
I am sharing this story because we are not OCF's only collective. OCF is a fiscal sponsor for hundreds of collectives. Hundreds of collectives who would do something like that story I just shared. So it is very important when making a non-card donation to B!B!E! through OCF that people who are donating say that their donation is for "Bike!Bike! Everywhere!" and then let us know so we can check and make sure it got to us. If you read the links from this section, they basically say the same thing, but I thought you might enjoy the story.
how to donate Not listed below, we can also accept basically any kind of money or money-like option people want to give us, if we want. Including stock, donor-advised funds, crypto (if we we approve which we probably don't), grants, etc.
pay by card
- for B!B!E!2022 we inserted an iframe into the registration process on
- People can pay by card at
pay by check
- Put "Bike!Bike! Everywhere!" in the memo line of the check.
- Follow the instructions at
- Let us know so that we can check to make sure we got it.
Donation matching
We can accept donation matching!
- Follow the instructions here .
- Be sure to specify that it's for "Bike!Bike! Everywhere!"
- Let us know so that we can check to make sure we got it.
Planning teams
The goal is for the planning team to rotate every year, with a three year term for any role.
- Year 1 - Group A runs the event.
- Year 2 - Group B runs the event with support and heavy involvement from Group A.
- Year 3 - Group C runs the event with heavy involvement from Group B. Group A sits on their hands, bites their tongue, and answers questions as needed.
- Main people involved were Kema (formerly angé), Étienne, Angel, and Darin.
- Ifny, Cweth, and Jonathan Rosenbaum did some meetings looking at tech after the 2021 event.
- Main people involved are Leonardo, Nat, Carla, Angel, and Darin. Angel York (she/her) (talk) 11:02, 7 July 2022 (PDT)
Zoom (video conferencing for the event)
Darin had a connection and got a free Zoom pro account or something for 3 years. It was used for 2021 and will be used for 2022 and will probably expire before the 2023 event and need to be re-donated or something else figured out. We chose Zoom for its interpretation and captioning abilities, but the field is rapidly changing and can be revisited if there's continued interest. Angel York (she/her) (talk) 11:02, 7 July 2022 (PDT)
Has been the host for a while. Still the host as of 2022 but I think the downtime is too high.Angel York (she/her) (talk) 11:02, 7 July 2022 (PDT)
- if I remember correctly, nobody checks it, it gets a lot of spam. We should deal with this at some point. Angel York (she/her) (talk) 11:38, 7 July 2022 (PDT)
Domain name registration
History was originally started by Jonathan Morrison, former Executive Director of the Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective. After he was no longer involved with this community, the Utah Bicycle Collective continued to pay for the website, while having nothing to do with the maintenance and running of it. Godwin has been doing that for many years, but is now very busy with a family, house, and full-time employment. Angel York (she/her) (talk) 11:02, 7 July 2022 (PDT)
In late 2021 they changed where it points, effectively vanishing the website from the internet. They thought nobody was using it. We got in touch, and they gave it to us. It is now a community-owned resource. That means the community is now responsible for paying for registration. 🚲 Donate to the tech fund here 🚲.
Porkbun (now)
The Utah Bicycle Collective kept at GoDaddy, but when we got ahold of it, we moved it over to Porkbun. They have a cute pig, a good sense of humor, they work great, and they're not GoDaddy.
This wiki is a media wiki. If you don't know how to do something, you can go to and it will tell you how to do the thing you want to do. It has a lot of resources because it's the same software they use to run Wikipedia.