Some Firefox users may need to log in more than once to log in. It's a known Firefox bug. Check "keep me logged in," it might help.

Es posible que algunxs usuarixs de Firefox tengan que conectarse más de una vez para iniciar sesión. Es un error conocido de Firefox. Marca "keep me logged in" (mantenerme conectado), puede ayudar.

B!B!E! Planning Meeting 2022.08.17

From Bike Collectives Wiki
Revision as of 01:26, 18 August 2022 by Angel (talk | contribs)


Angel, Carla, Darin, Leo, Nat


How to get more workshops, especially spanish language workshops? Carla will post one maybe Monday or Tuesday.

  • ThinkTank
  • Buttondown
  • Facebook (Nat)
  • Leo will bring B!B!E!2022 up at a meeting tomorrow and will get some people from South America to join. Will talk to Juan.
  • WhatsApp app - share flier

We need more people from traditional B!B! too

Do we send a new email? Darin has some notes he will share in the chatbar

If we don't have as many workshops, we can have facilitated conversations.

Maybe we should all post a workshop soon so people are inspired.

Angel will post the closing event and a workshop on how to use the wiki.

Nat made an awesome flier to share on social media

Carla made an awesome fill-in-the-blank letter of rec we can use for each other.

Darin's got an outreach email he's going to email Carla about writing up

We need to write up an email to send out to the workshop presenters. We can recycle and update what we used last year. Also we can include