Some Firefox users may need to log in more than once to log in. It's a known Firefox bug. Check "keep me logged in," it might help.

Es posible que algunxs usuarixs de Firefox tengan que conectarse más de una vez para iniciar sesión. Es un error conocido de Firefox. Marca "keep me logged in" (mantenerme conectado), puede ayudar.


From Bike Collectives Wiki
Revision as of 06:36, 4 December 2023 by Angel (talk | contribs) (→‎Email: ===)

There are websites (like this one) and online accounts available to support community bike projects and Bike!Bike! events. Below is a partial list of resources you can take on responsibility for (remembering to keep DEI, language justice, and the community's preferences in the forefront of your maintenance actions).

Hasta que esta página esté completa, consulte el pase de diapositivas de recursos para ¡Bici!¡Bici!¡En todas partes!

Until this page is complete, check the slideshow of resources (link above) for Bike!Bike! Everywhere!

Tech Tools

  • Zoom (expires August 2024) - Contact April
  • - Contact April or
  • Wiki - Contact Angel
  • - Contact to gain admin access.
  • For backend web development & system administration stuff contact Jonathan or, failing that, April




  • (for sending email announcements about Bike!Bike! events - we have promised the people on this list that they won't get emails on other topics, so please use it only for B!B! & B!B!E!)
  • The ThinkTank (email list for general discussion of bike collective stuff)

not lists

  • - (for inquiries about online conferences. For general inquiries, try the community first) Estamos buscando algunas personas mantener esta cuenta. ¡Envia un correo por favor!
  • As of December 2023, you can find the emails of people who are wiki linked on this page by reviewing the Think Tank archives.
  • Not It gets thousands of spam messages daily, something like that. Godwin doesn't recommend trying to salvage it. If you want to reach Godwin, there are better ways.

Social Media

Open Collective Foundation

Here are a list of services we have access to through OCF. In short, they do money handling.

How we use OCF as of 2023

  • Share income/expenses/savings openly with the community
  • Offer tax write-offs when people donate (this might be a US-limited feature)
  • Reimburse volunteers
  • Use an open-source and community-led platform

Other things you could use the OCF account for

  • Apply for a grant
  • Create mini-grants for your community
  • The newletters they send out are chock full of resources for collectives

See Also