Some Firefox users may need to log in more than once to log in. It's a known Firefox bug. Check "keep me logged in," it might help.

Es posible que algunxs usuarixs de Firefox tengan que conectarse más de una vez para iniciar sesión. Es un error conocido de Firefox. Marca "keep me logged in" (mantenerme conectado), puede ayudar.

Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective

From Bike Collectives Wiki
(Redirected from SLCBC)
Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective
Founded 2002
Location Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
Services Offered
Mission Statement The mission of the Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective is to promote cycling as an effective and sustainable form of transportation and as a cornerstone of a cleaner, healthier, and safer society. The Bicycle Collective provides refurbished bicycles and educational programs to the community, focusing on children and lower income households.
Phone 801-328-2453

The Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective is a DBA of the Bicycle Collective based in Utah, USA.


2312 S. West Temple South Salt Lake, UT 84115-2623 USA


See Also