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Bike!Bike! Everywhere!
Bike!Bike es una reunión internacional anual organizada por y para personas involucradas en proyectos comunitarios alrededor de la bicicleta. Normalmente se realiza en persona en una ciudad diferente cada año, pero la pandemia de la COVID-19 atoró los planes de la comunidad. En 2021, Bike!Bike!En todas partes! se realizó completamente en línea. Fue un espacio virtual donde entusiastas de la bicicleta pudieron compartir sus experiencias acerca de una variedad de temas como manejo de la pandemia, enseñanza, mecánica, impacto social, mejor acceso a las bicicletas, diversidad y más.
El Comité Organizador de B!B!E!
- Bike!Bike!Dondequiera! 2021
- B!B! En Todas Partes 2022
- Bike!Bike! Everywhere! and related planning meetings (en)
- Bike!Bike! Everywhere fundraising and financial information
¿por qué virtual?
más accesible para las personas que están lejos:
- costes de desplazamiento
- tiempo (vidas ajetreadas)
- dinero
- costes medioambientales
- costes sanitarios asociados a las grandes reuniones
- neurodivergentes
- inmunocomprometidxs
Bike!Bike! is an international yearly gathering organized by and for people who engage in bicycle advocacy and bicycle community projects. Usually, it is hosted in person in a different city every year but the pandemic threw a wrench in our community’s annual plans. In 2021, Bike!Bike!Everywhere! was hosted online and was a virtual space where bicycle enthusiasts could share their experiences relating to a variety of topics, such as pandemic management, teaching, mechanics, social impact, better access to bicycles, diversity and more.
B!B!E! Organizing Committee
- Bike!Bike! Everywhere! 2021
- Bike!Bike! Everywhere! 2022
- Bike!Bike! Everywhere! and related planning meetings
- Bike!Bike! Everywhere fundraising and financial information
why virtual?
more accessible for people who are far away:
- costs to travel
- time (busy lives)
- money
- environmental cost
- health costs associated with large gatherings
- neurodivergent
- immune compromised
The website was hard-coded to support in-person events only. So, for example, registration can be a little confusing. Bear with us, everyone's a volunteer here.