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B!B!E! Planning Meeting 2022.05.18

From Bike Collectives Wiki
Revision as of 16:16, 20 May 2022 by DarinWick (talk | contribs)
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  • Darin
  • Angel
  • Leo
  • Carla
  • Nat


Announce the event on world bicycle day: June 3? Should we try to get someone (else) from Mexico involved in planning/coordinating B!B!E!?

Sending announcements protocol:

  • Nat or Carla can write, or we can do it in collaboration
  • Leo or Nat can translate
  • Angel and Darin can do the wiki, but it would be good for other people to try it. We can take turns taking notes and putting them in the wiki

Carla can take care of correspondence & letting people know. Is fluent in basic Spanish.

  • probably best to send announcements from
  • thinktank - it really is just a matter of sending emails to
  • we also have Buttondown with the big list of organizations and past attendees; to be used only for major announcements (e.g. "We're doing B!B!E! again this year, sign up now!")

Questions/clarification about Volunteer Roles:

  • Fundraising
    • for interp. and language justice
    • we have OpenCollective as a fiscal sponsor now to recieve, hold, and distribute money for B!B!E! in the future
  • Tech support: there are three kinds of it:
    • support before & during the event (how to use Zoom/Discord)
    • managing the websites
    • researching and implementing new tech tools (conference platforms, registration, etc.)

Communications & Outreach:

People Nat knows say the Instagram account not just Tijuana, they were granted access for the duration of the event. Ask Ifny or Godwin for access.

Nat has a lead on who to contact for B!B!CDMX

Nat designed the poster; good for use on social media since people don't often read wall of text w/o images. We could consider posting another version of the flyer with workshop & presenter names later?

Wiki overview: - how to create new pages (by creating a link to a page that doesn´t exist yet or by searching for it) - using headings (which create a table of contents automatically)

Channels of communication: - wiki - email - instagram

Things To Do

Carla - can you draft messages saying:

  • (ASAP; will send draft tomorrow) we're having another meeting next Wednesday
  • (to be sent on June 3) this is happening, we're having planning meetings, if you´d like to get involved we'd love to have you

Angel will create a spreadsheet for tracking tasks, or maybe set up Miro, through the account.



Se propone anunciar el evento el día de la bicicleta (ONU), 03 de Junio.

Se plantea importancia de incorporar a representantes de México para la coordinación de B!B!E!.

Protocolo para envio de anuncios:

- Todo el equipo pueden escribrir los anuncios, a acordar en cada reunión dependiendo de disponibilidades.

- Leo o Nat traduciran los anuncios al español

- Tomaremos turnos para dejar notas de reuniones en la wiki.

- Carla se encargará de correspondencia, envio de emails y comunicaciones en general.

- Carla tendra acceso a B!B!E!@gmail para el enviar de anuncios y otra información relevante.

- Uso de Thinktank - Consiste solo en enviar emails a la dirección indicada en la pagina Thinktank.

- Existe una base de datos de ong y participantes en Buttondown, Angek y Darin tienen acceso.

- B!B! Instagram: Nat averiguo con Tijuana y debemos preguntar a Ifny y Godwin por el acceso para usarlo como plataforma de difusión.

- Nat diseño el poster; mantendremos su uso como poster oficial para redes sociales.

Rol de voluntarios:

Recaudacion de fondos

   - Necesario para financiar interpretes y Justicia de Lenguaje

   - OpenCollective es el patrocinador fiscal oficia para recaudar y distribuir dinero para B!B!E! en el futuro

Soporte técnico: hay tres tipos:

   - Soporte antes y durante el evento (como usar Zoom/Discord)

   - Mantener los sitios web

   - Averiguar sobre nuevas plataformas e implementarlas de ser necesario (Plataforma de conferencias, registro, etc.)


Nat se encargrá de contactar a coordinadores de B!B!CDMX

Se considera realizar una version del flyer de Nat, manteniendo la linea grafica para su eso en los eventos de B!B!E! y afiches de presentaciones.

Carla creará los siguientes anuncios:

- Proxima reunión el día meircoles 25 de Mayo (prioritario)

- Se viene!, estamos planificando el próximo evento!, si quieres participar estaremos encatand@s de iinvolucrarte (03 de Junuo)