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SLCBC June 19, 2007 Board Meeting

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Revision as of 02:45, 2 December 2007 by Jonathan (talk | contribs)

Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective June 19, 2007 Board Meeting Minutes


Patrick Beecroft, Eric Estlund, Erica Frumen, Lacey Gaechter, Russ Hopkins, Jonatham Morrison, Michael Wise

  • 6/18 Meeting Minutes Approved
  • Update to By-Laws Article II and III approved. Changes to section 6 pending. This is my fault, Jason. I didn't realize I was supposed to print them, and I apologize.
  • Advisory Board Letter approved for content. The last paragraph needs a space before it, Russ's name is funny lookin', and Russ wants to make sure it's clear that the advisory board is not a voting body.
  • Membership drive

o Update from Lacey: Membership so far: Costs:

               + Cycling Utah Fee:
               + Printing for Cycling Utah: $344
               + Printing for membership cards: Free
               + Under seat bags:
               + Printing: $60 / $3 each (for 20)
               + T-shirts: $15 each/ $900 total (for 60)
               + Hole punches: $36 total
               + Bicycle Benefits Stickers: $0.37 each
               + Including Schwag
                     # $100 membership yields about $75 for us
                     # $52 membership yields about $40 for us
                     # $25 membership yields about $25 for us
           6 members, $577

Only advertising so far is Cycling Utah. I hesitate to advertise very much before we are ready. We do not have the t-shirts ready, or a way of getting schwag to people. We don't have an online payment option yet, although I think we're advertising it. We don't have anyone or anytime to do a newsletter.

           Membership before I leave:
               + Advertising:
                     # Poster/ postcard combo in bike shops (MIke H is on it) for August 3
                     # City Weekly??? I don't know if this audience is targeted enough
                     # I suggest Cycling Utah on a regular basis
                     # I've never done a membership campaign before, but it seems to me that we really need to outline what we want to do with the money. I wouldn't sign up for an organization that seems to be operating just fine w/o some darn good reason.
                     # In our membership updates, we need to offer holiday gift specials, so we'll send out a card if they buy a membership in that persons name.
                     # It's going to be largely word of mouth to a targeted audience.
                     # The next great opportunity is Pedal Pusher
                           * Members get in free
                           * Buy a membership for and additional $20 with your ticket.
                           * Start to make it a cool thing to have, and the film fest will be the best opp'ty by far!!!
           Membership after I leave:
               + Growing the program will require the hiring of another person
               + The current challenge to look at then, will simply be maintenance
                     # The newsletter that we now have to send to chronological commitment (monthly, quarterly, yearly).
                     # Tracking members for their expiration date.
                           * I'm not sure how you all want to do this. My low-tech way would be an Excel Spreadsheet, but I bet there's a better way.
                           * I have asked Jonathan about this, and haven't heard back. There needs to be something in place NOW, though, even if it's just temporarily a spreadsheet. It can't wait.
         o Dave at Cycling Utah wants to knock off a certain sum from our bill (around $250) and exchange that sum for whatever level of corporate "membership" we offer.  Ryan Miller has brought up corporate sponsorship in past meetings.  For sponsorship, I propose we have recognition levels of $100, $500 and $1000 or something like that. Donors for in-kind would be recognized in that category.   I guess we should give all these levels names? 
               + Russ is concerned with conflicts of interest when offering corporate sponsorships
         o Suggestions for additional adverstising: Races, Bike Valet, NIMBA.
         o Current plan to track members is through a combination of Excel and google calendars to remind us of renewal fees. It needs to integrate somehow with Quickbooks for Michael.
         o Jonathan is creating a program along with other Collectives for tracking members; it would be good to have another meeting to discuss what we'd want out of it. The software will be ready by the third week in October.
   * Account Balance/ Fundraising
         o We have $11,591 (+$1000 reimbursement thru MBAC and $1000 from SL Century) in the account for the shop, $8000 of which is for Bike Ed.
         o Mostly we even out with what we bring in and what goes out of the shop
         o From Jason: Eccles needs our response letter from the IRS.  We missed the board meeting, occurring this week.  Maybe they're surprise us, they have everything except the IRS letter.  My most recent applications to Wells Fargo and Timberland are now old.  I need to follow up.  There are lots of opportunities we need to hop on.  I hope to meet with Erica and Jonathan and anyone else to get a plan.
         o Jonathan would like a volunteer fundraising coordinator
               + Erica volunteered to head effort finding someone to write grants
   * Earn-A-Bike
         o Russ will figure out running background checks through colleagues at his school and will also drive up to conduct the interviews
         o Someone will be hired for next round of classes by August 3rd
         o Earn-A-Bike and grant writing positions will be separate
   * Addition to Agenda: Shop Update/ Re-Key
         o Everyone wants to re-key. Approved by vote.
         o Russ wants pre-pay for special order and established system for discount levels/ minimum monthly hours.
         o Jonathan would like Russ to set-up a policy in the volunteer manual
   * Addition to Agenda: Shop management
         o Keep track of goods used/ new POS
         o The shop generally needs improved organization
         o We are going to use existing funds to pay for a temporary shop manager to free up time for Jonathan to establish permanent relief.
               + Eric is writing the job description
               + Russ is coming up to train on Tuesday nights.
               + Patrick has offered to show-up when needed and Russ is not available for training/ assistance

   * Valet Bike Parking as a Pay Service
         o We are going to do the SUWA event and one other, the name of which I didn't catch for barter via advertising to their members.
         o We want more information on Italian Cultural Fair
         o Discussion of fee system/ ordering rack system is for another time.