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SLCBC March 6, 2007 Board Meeting: Difference between revisions

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* [[Media:SLCBC_2006_Profit_Loss_Statement.pdf|2006 Quickbooks Financials]]
* [[Media:SLCBC_2006_Profit_Loss_Statement.pdf|2006 Quickbooks Financials]]
[[Category:Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective]]

Latest revision as of 15:39, 29 July 2012

Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective Board Meeting Minutes

Date: March 6, 2007

Attending: Cal Cruz, Todd, Ryan Miller, Eric Estlund, Michael Wise, John Wilkie, Jonathan Morrison, Ron Ferrucci, Angela Sather, Patrick Beecroft, Brian Price, Russ Hopkins, James, Matt Peterson

Absent: Erica Frumin

Convened: 6:00pm

Adjourned: 8:30pm


Nominations and elections of Board of Directors

Nominations and an affirmative vote occurred from all Board members (Jason, Jonathan, Michael, Patrick, Clinton, Brian, Ron) before the meeting via email. The final list was named formally as the following:

New board members: Eric Estlund, Erica Frumin, Russ Hopkins Existing members: Jonathan Morrison, Michael Wise, Patrick Beecroft, Jason Bultman

Jason stated expectations of the Board, and Michael asked that all members be prompt in responses regarding discussions and votes to help make decisions. In the past members have been forced to proceed without a quorum vote or with little discussion, which adds risk to making good decisions as an organization. Michael also asked that members not go out on their own to make statements, sign contracts, etc. and involve the Board when taking actions.

Patrick made the motion that existing officers (President – Jason, Treasurer – Michael, Secretary – Jonathan) remain and serve for another term. John W seconded. All present Board members voted in favor.

Creation and nomination of Advisory Board

A vote was not required to establish the creation of an Advisory Board, the by-laws currently include this. Jason does have draft invitation letter and by-laws that will be sent to the admin list for review.

Currently on the Advisory Board:

  • Brian Price
  • Ron Ferrucci
  • Clinton Watson

The following names were proposed to be invited to serve on the Advisory Board:

  • Angela Sather (The Depot)
  • Jess Brown (Grant Writing)
  • Shaina Miron Quinn (UTA Rideshare)
  • Kim Angeli (Downtown Alliance)
  • Ryan Littlefield (Contender Bicycles)
  • Lou Melini (MBAC)
  • Dan Fazinni (SLBAC)
  • Brad Woods (UBC)
  • Doug Openshaw (Advocate/Commuter)
  • Jordan Gates (SLC Corp)
  • Charlie Kulp (SL County)
  • Chelsea Babbish (Movie Maker)
  • Bonie Shupe (Graphic Designer)
  • Mike Haring (Graphic Designer)
  • Ryan Miller (IMBA/Racer)
  • Mark Kennedy (Saturday Cycles)
  • Dave Iltis (Cycling Utah)
  • Sharon Briggs (UDOT Bike Coordinator)

Financial Statement 2006

A QuickBooks report and spreadsheet summary were presented (see attached). Jonathan recommended that we ensure that there are no discrepancies between our annual report and our tax forms. This will delay printing and distributing the 2006 Annual Report until after March 31st tax deadline.

Budget and strategic plan for 2007

The following was presented was discussion:

Jonathan suggested that Earn-A-Bike be separated into its own project budget that includes $12,000 in instructor wages, $6,000 in parts, and $12,000 in powder coating The Collective should have 3 projects with budgets and mostly independent funding sources. Jonathan also commented that the shop could use capital improvements and equipment (glass counters, display slot wall, etc.) and a value of $10,000 to be included under “shop renovations”. Also with a new business partnership with Park Jonathan requested the allocation for tools be raised to $6000, including the Master Tool kit at $2500. Jason will update the proposed budget and send to the Board for final approval.


Executive Director

Jason raised the possibility of converting Jonathan’s current Project Coordinator position into Executive Director. Jonathan already acts in a similar capacity and an ED position would be beneficial for the organization’s recognition and ability to grow. Jonathan and the group agreed that the new Board needs to stabilize and more staff hired before making any decisions.


Angela presented and discussed the SLCBC Membership Proposal. Ryan Miller added that corporate sponsorship can increase the funding opportunity. It was agreed that this item needs more discussion and resource allocation to implement. The by-laws would need to be amended as well.

Trip for Kids

Matt Peterson proposed that the SLC Bicycle Collective become a Trips for Kids charter. The presentation was well received as is customary with new ideas he was asked to provide a detailed budget and project plan.
