Some Firefox users may need to log in more than once to log in. It's a known Firefox bug. Check "keep me logged in," it might help.

Es posible que algunxs usuarixs de Firefox tengan que conectarse más de una vez para iniciar sesión. Es un error conocido de Firefox. Marca "keep me logged in" (mantenerme conectado), puede ayudar.

B!B!E! Planning Meeting 2022.09.28

From Bike Collectives Wiki


Angel, Darin, Leo


  • Presenter meeting next week! - scheduling logistics
  • Dress rehearsal next week! - scheduling logistics
  • Doodle poll (for workshop schedule) review
  • interpretation logistics for the dress rehearsal - talk to nat
  • We should remind everyone that they can sign up for B!B!E!. We will do so by email/social media/buttondown/etc. when we have a workshop schedule to announce.
  • Discussion of reminder email to let presenters know they have a meeting and dress rehearsal to attend - darin will send after meeting
  • Tech recruitment email - Darin will review and will put in the translation spreadsheet
  • - We should remind everyone that they can sign up for B!B!E!. We will do so by email/social media/buttondown/etc. after we have a workshop schedule to announce. Mid-october and a few days before the conference. We might be able to find an email to reuse from last year.
  • is broken. Darin emailed Godwin, because even though he can fix it, Godwin uses 2FA., so you need Godwin's phone to get in and actually fix it.
  • We should look at the wiki and and OCF and make sure they are accurate and up-to-date
  • We should send a follow-up request to Nat just to make sure she's asking around to see if anyone from Tijuana wants to facilitate the Bike!Bike! workshop
  • Leo will work on the conference workshop schedule in Miro and Angel will look it over and make edits