Some Firefox users may need to log in more than once to log in. It's a known Firefox bug. Check "keep me logged in," it might help.

Es posible que algunxs usuarixs de Firefox tengan que conectarse más de una vez para iniciar sesión. Es un error conocido de Firefox. Marca "keep me logged in" (mantenerme conectado), puede ayudar.

B!B!E! Language Exchange Planning 2023.01.11

From Bike Collectives Wiki


  • Leo will probably be offline in February, so someone else will need to facilitate
  • Nat's days off right now are Wed/Thurs, and later in the day is probably better
  • Tentatively scheduling for Wednesdays @ 4pm Pacific / 5pm Mountain / 6pm Central / 7pm Eastern / 9pm Chile, starting next week (Jan. 18)


  • Intercambio alone tends to mean something more like a student exchange program
  • In English we have been saying Language Exchange
  • Nat's brief google search indicates that Intercambio de Idiomas is probably the most common term

Planning the Meetings

  • Facilitators should be reasonably bilingual. We can rotate facilitators.
  • Leo will facilitate the first time

Meeting Outline

  • How to participate
    • Raise your virtual "hand"
    • We will speak for X minutes in English, X minutes in Spanish on general conversation topics. Try to let everyone have a turn.
  • Introductions (name, pronouns, maybe location & language skill levels?)
  • Discuss several conversation topics or work on projects together, switching languages

Potential topics/projects

  • Review bike anatomy; identify parts of bike in both languages
  • How is biking in your city?
  • general topics - search for "language exchange conversation topics" online
  • come up with more of your own that are bike related
  • look at past B!B!E! workshop topics
  • Project: collaborate on a project like flash cards or playing cards (use it as promo material or merch for B!B!E!)